I realise that of all the spare time I have had during these past weeks, I pick now to write a blog post.
I pick now, the time between times, because I know that I only have minutes to spare and Im going to have to get straight to my point without to many meandering thought paths.
Well. If only I knew how to explain my point well.
Once again, Im on a time limit. But not only for typing. All year, I have known that my dad will be moving away with his beloved fiance and getting married - which is great, really - but its only now, when I have no time left, do I realise that there IS no time. All I want is time. Its the one thing that we really have no control over.
We fit our lives around the concept of time, it never changes to suit us. Time applies to the saying that you don't know what you have until its gone very very perfectly.
Oh yeah. And merry christmas.
In 5 days TIME.