Friday, August 28, 2009

Small wonderings.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just vomited in my mouth!!
It tasted like a mix of stomach acids and smoked fish. Quite delicious to be totally honest...
If only i could taste it again! My life would be complete! 
You know something weird? I vomit in my mouth all the time these days. Its really gross. I imagine that this is what babies feel like.... You know how babies throw up all the time? like on their parents shoulders and stuff? Well, I think that I'm like that. Only, I'm old enough to know how to keep it down now. 

Is it really weird that I have a fear of moths? They're totally harmless... But then again, there was that one time when I was white water rafting and we hit that tree and there was like, no kidding, TEN THOUSAND MOTHS that all fell on me! And since I was covered in water they all STUCK to me and drowned on my skin! Perhaps that why Im scared of moths.. Oh well. Maybe one day I will confront my irrational moth fear and breed moths as a future career or something.

So Um. I have exams in like 2 weeks. I was thinking that maybe I could cram a bit of seriously needed study into my already busy schedule of curling into a ball and freaking out. 
Its just so frustrating knowing that I've got all these important tests coming up! I just wanna push someone over! (not literally). I feel like shredding something into tiny dust sized pieces and then setting them alight after drowning them in kerosene or something. That way I will know that my frustration will feel like its burning in hell... But in pieces. So each little piece of it is separately burning in hell.  .  .  . And after its all burnt up then I will jump on the ashes with those shoes that have spikes. Then I will get a hair dryer and blow all of the ashes away so that I don't have to look at them anymore.


Train of thought revisited.

Alright.. I was going over my logic for 'train of thought' 
And I was thinking about all the thoughts that AREN'T lost. 
I mean... supposedly, we keep all out thoughts and memories inside our heads... But that must mean that we have some pretty intensely organised filing systems in our brains; everythings probably colour coded too.
It would mean that there would be all these processes that our thoughts go though so that we can choose which filing cabinet to get placed in. But then what happens if something gets put in the wrong place!
What if "i had sand whiches for lunch today" got put in the "Family members birthdays" cabinet? 
Would this mean that a persons brain would go on lock down until this file was placed into the correct cabinet? Maybe thats how people space out.. You know, get that blank look on their face and kinda stare off into the distance.

Then again. This is all just nonsense. Brains arent giant warehouses filled to the brim with filing cabinets! theyre just big pink things filled with nerves and blood and stuff. 
But I personally like the way that I described the contents of peoples heads in the previous paragraph better.
But hey, I guess this is why I take art and not science.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Train of thought

I often use the phrase "I've lost my train of thought".
But then again, how can someone possibly loose a train? they are massive things, aren't they? 
And especially if you've lost one inside your own head. I imagine that it would have to be a pretty darn compactable train if one were to fit an entire train inside their skull... and then loose it.
Besides, this doesn't even factor in all the carriages that may or may not be attached to this lost train...

Now, I know that the phrase is just a metaphor. So if we think logically, there is actually just all these thoughts out there in the world which are lost..
Those poor poor thoughts. Will they ever be re-united with their owners? or are they doomed to forever wander aimlessly. 
Someone should create a 'lost and found' box for thoughts!

Hmm.. but in order for that to work then it would have to be more like a house - kinda like and orphanage. In my head, I picture thoughts to be purple and whispy little things. But they aren't just random things that float around peoples head all day, they are living breathing beings!!

Nobody ever cares for the lost thoughts of society! WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!
this is just sick. Sick and twisted! Im going to form a "misplaced thoughts" help group.
