Friday, June 4, 2010

My day

Well, the business studies trip wasn't as bad as I'd thought, which is wonderful. I got a free mini bar of whitakers chocolate- YUMMMMMMMMM.. I ate it while I was learning about finances. They had who's whole seminar dedicated to finance, this guest speaker from asb and a beastly power point and stuff. It was all just crap I'd already learnt in class -.-
What a waste of time! But atleast there was chocolate to make it a smidge better

But onto my day tooday, I woke up after a particularly weird dream and realised I was still dead tired, so I slept in another 10 minutes. I only ended up getting up because I knew mum was coming to get me for work soon :(
Dad made my day a little bit better by making me eggs on toast for breakfast! YEAH!

It was pretty good, but the break/toast it was on was so small lol. It was like a half piece of toast.. only it was a square not a rectangle. Either way. It was nice.

Uhh I then got taken to work, It was very cold as SOON as I walked in, and mum made me light the fire.
I then got stuck straight into my vacuuming. It just didn't seem to end, its... its such a big place... filled with carpet... and theres corn everywhere (thanks to the area manager). It got about half way through and the vacuum cleaner was getting full so I opened it to change the bag - turns out the last person to put a bag in didn't do it right and it popped off. So all the carpet fur, staples and pieces of corn were in a lovely soup of a mess inside the vacuum cleaner...
After that was sorted out, I continued my vacuuming. I finished at 11:35. So that was a 2 hours of solid vacuuming! I was so tired! and my nose was running, and my headache was starting to wake up... My colds such a dick.

Yeah, well. I then proceeded to clean the entire place with spray and wipe. Then I put away carpet samples. Then I went through files and I sorted the 2009 from the 2010. Then I wrote out reminder letters to everyone who's had a carpet quote in 2010... thats alot of people..... Written from A -B

G2g!!!! Dads dinner people are here!

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