Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Think before you talk, describes my day well.

Today, Tib and I woke up ridiculously early in my standards (Like, 6:45am!), and then got to school at 7:40am!
Which is once again, ridiculously early in my standards. The day started off good, after suffering a pretty rocky night last night. It was cold, but okay.

It was a little weird and I wasn't exactly enjoying my morning..
It got to about midday and my day burst into tears and concluded that this was it, all the rest of its daily life would be just as miserable as my day felt today.
My day then dragged Tibs day down with it, and it took a few happiness notches out of various friends days. Luckily, my best friends didn't come into close contact with my days infectious sadness disease...

My day and Tibs day spoke to each other when school finished briefly and they helped each other feel a little bit better.. My day is struggling to keep in a good mood now, seeing as other peoples days insist on pointing things out that my day REALLY just doesn't want to talk about.

Don't you hate it when theres something you know you have to do, but it just never happens? Because your busy, other things are of higher priority, you haven't had enough time to think about it or other reasons. And then people keep bringing it up? Other and over. Why haven't you done this? When are you going to do it, because some time this year would be good.

Well. I know this posts been pretty complainer-like. And thats all I want to do right now, complain, sleep and eat. I'm sick to death of dealing with all lifes stupid problems that get rammed up your nose every 5 minutes.

There is so many things that I DONT know the answer to, and they are all just doing my head in.
When people spoke to me today, I was blunt and rude -


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