Friday, August 28, 2009

Train of thought revisited.

Alright.. I was going over my logic for 'train of thought' 
And I was thinking about all the thoughts that AREN'T lost. 
I mean... supposedly, we keep all out thoughts and memories inside our heads... But that must mean that we have some pretty intensely organised filing systems in our brains; everythings probably colour coded too.
It would mean that there would be all these processes that our thoughts go though so that we can choose which filing cabinet to get placed in. But then what happens if something gets put in the wrong place!
What if "i had sand whiches for lunch today" got put in the "Family members birthdays" cabinet? 
Would this mean that a persons brain would go on lock down until this file was placed into the correct cabinet? Maybe thats how people space out.. You know, get that blank look on their face and kinda stare off into the distance.

Then again. This is all just nonsense. Brains arent giant warehouses filled to the brim with filing cabinets! theyre just big pink things filled with nerves and blood and stuff. 
But I personally like the way that I described the contents of peoples heads in the previous paragraph better.
But hey, I guess this is why I take art and not science.



  1. i love you're blog.
    every time you leave a message, it lights up my day. i had nothing to live for last year, but this year my lifes destiny feels complete. i have taken up tai chi, found a lover whom shares my passions and now your blog fills me with delight. your words flow through me like warm chocolate. you express the true values in our lifetimes, yet making everyone feel cosy. the world would be greater if your mystical expressions melted everyones souls when they read. i wish words would cascade from my heart like you. you fill my fetishes, unleash my inner monster when your words come on my screen like a tsunami of yoghurt. i wish i had as much inner beauty as you.

    cant wait for your next blog.
    yours always, Shentan Xx

  2. Oh good! I was going for the yoghurt effect! thats brilliant! Thanks Shentan!
