Sunday, August 26, 2012


I have this fish, right.
I'm actually surprised I haven't written about him before, he's a frequent topic of conversation at home. The whole family hates him. I like him, but I'm the only one....

He's a Zebra danio. His names either Bikebits, Gertrude, Rectum, Steven or ... or... I can't remember the last name. There was 5, and they all looked the same so I don't know which one he is.

Over the past... god, how many years now? Like 6 years? I have had a total of 10 zebra danios, buying them in sets of 5. After the first 4 died, I bought another 5. I named the second 5 Pinky, Ring, Middle Index and Thumb. I also bought three sucky fish at that time, two with brown spots and one orange one...

All have died except this ONE fish. Its from the first 5, I know. Because its bent, like. Its a corner shaped fish. I don't know what happened, because it bent gradually over time....
I'm beginning to suspect he may very well be a psycho serial killer murderer fish. I mean. That is 11 deaths. On one day, 4 died at once. Not even joking.
The three sucky fish just disappeared, I never saw what happened to them. Never saw them again. No note, no ransom, no bodies, no nothing.

The others died off one by one. Until there was only him and one other fish left. Another danio. I felt sorry for it as time went on, because Mr Bent was such a bully. He was always being horrible to the poor surviving fish....
One day I could only find one fish. The bent one. I looked for a long time to find his friend, and couldn't see it anyone, I suspected another disappearing act.
About a week after that I discovered the body.... It's eyes had been eaten by snails... So tragic....
The body was wedged into a hole in a rock in the tank. Like. Face first, squashed into a tiny little hole.
How the F?
Just like what?

It either swam in there, REALLY HARD and got stuck (and probably got brain damage at the same time, hitting the end of the hole). Or the bent fish murdered it and rammed its lifeless body in there to hide the evidence.

Anyway, his life is miserable now. He lives alone, because I refuse to by him anymore friends. He's been alone for a long time now, and he just WONT DIE.

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