Friday, June 24, 2011

I do miss photography...

In saying that I miss photography, it doesn't mean I've stopped taking photos - goodness no! I mean that I miss photography class from school. If I take a photo now, and show somebody, its kind of like "cool" or "whyyy would you take a picture of a rock?" or something TOTALLY IGNORANT like that!
And I'd be like, what do you mean WHY take a picture of a ROCK?
That rock has amazing detail in the cracks! And can you see how I caputred that mould right there? Doesn't it look like you could reach out and stroke its wet fuzziness??

No, it doesn't, what the hell you weirdo. Go take pictures of normal things like girls making kissy faces (also known as 'duck face ' to those who are internet savvy).

So heres a few of the ones I've taken recently, just so that somebody who appreciates how much I love micro and supermicro. They're relatively normal pictures anyway... well. Except for the last one...

But who cares? That last ones nothing compared to my year 12 photography work! NOTHING I TELL YOU.  And also, you should just be happy I didn't photograph the rest of the chicken. That was worse.

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